
Network Europe is a community for European business professionals and individuals of European descent who live and work across Australia.


  • With your membership you support the operation of NETWORK EUROPE.
  • Free to use for members
    • Profile, Events and Opportunity posts.
    • One profile and multiple event and opportunity posts per member account.
    • We will share your events and opportunities on our social media platforms.
    • You can log back into your account and renew your membership manually any time.
    • Once your membership expires your posts will automatically be hidden from the public.
    • Your posts stay saved within your member’s console. Once you renew your membership, they will be visible for the public again.
    • Email support from our team.
  • Terms
    • 365 day membership at $99.00 (incl GST).
    • We do not store any credit card details.
    • All membership subscriptions automatically expire after 365 days.
    • Rules and Code of Conduct.


Connect with the founders.

Erik Rathmayr - LinkedIn
Eva-Maria Heikenwalder - LinkedIn

Newsletter Sign Up

Join Our Growing Community

NETWORK EUROPE is a community for European business professionals and individuals of European descent who live and work across Australia